Wirebarley corp. Apps

WireBarley - Global Smart Remittance 3.3.05
Join the 400,000+ people who trust WireBarley to send money totheir loved ones. By cutting hidden transaction fees and remittingas closely to the MidRate as possible, we are committed to helpingyou get the most value for your money. Over $1 billion remitted andgrowing daily. Truly Global. Licensed/regulated in the UnitedStates, South Korea, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada,we remit to over 44 countries worldwide. (6 Sender Countries, 230+corridors) Best-in-Class Pricing. If you are familiar withtransferring money, you know how important the FX rate is. Byremitting at a rate closer to the mid-market rate than others, andhaving the least amount of fees anywhere, we continue to earn thetrust of many as a better alternative to banks. Fast and Secure.While we focus on speed, pricing, and convenience, your security isalso a top priority. As secure as a bank, we leverage best-in-classtechnologies and partnerships to ensure that your user experienceis efficient and information is secure. Dedicated. Our customerservice team is as genuine and helpful as there is. With nativelanguage speakers in over 12 languages and living in your remittingcountry, our team is truly dedicated to helping you every step ofthe way.